Policies & Certifications

At BY Group, we recognise the importance of aligning ourselves with organisations that support our values.


Supply Nation Certified

Since 2009, Supply Nation has been connecting Indigenous businesses with procurement teams in government and private industry. We’re a Supply Nation-certified business. By contracting us, you can meet your targets under the new Indigenous Procurement Policy.

Visit the Supply Nation website>

Group 38

FSC Accredited

Established in 2005, the Federal Safety Commissioner (FSC) works with industry and government towards achieving the highest possible workplace health and safety standards on Australian building and construction projects. ​​​​​​​

Workplace safety is one of our core values, so we are proud to be one of the few FSC-accredited Indigenous businesses.

Visit the FSC website>

Group 39-1

NSW Indigenous Chamber of Commerce certified

The New South Wales Indigenous Chamber of Commerce (NSWICC) was established in 2006 to support Indigenous people to set up and run their own business. NSWICC provides a way for Aboriginal business owners to network, share, and learn from each other. We are NSWICC-certified. We support NSWICC’s vision of creating collaborative partnerships, accelerating Aboriginal entrepreneurship, and informing policy that delivers, measures, and account for sustained Aboriginal employment and business growth.

Visit the NSWICC website>

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Master Builders Association Member

BY Group is a proud member of the Master Builders Association. The Master Builders Association of NSW (Master Builders) is the leading building and construction industry association across the state. A not for profit organisation, it is chartered with representing and furthering the interests of the building and construction industry.

Visit the MBA website >

NSW Transport Toads & Maritime Services

RMS Certified

We are RMS certified. This means we meet RMS’ Guidelines for National Prequalification System for Civil (Road and Bridge) Construction Contracts—we’re ready to do business. The prequalification system classifies contractors by their technical and managerial expertise, financial capacity, and previous performance.

Visit the RMS website >

Group 40

ICN Gateway

We are premium members of the ICN Gateway. ICN helps connect us with project owners through their exclusive online database, which has around 70,000 members. See our listing in the ICN Gateway database.

Visit the ICN Gateway website >

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Property Council of Australia Member

We are official members of the Property Council of Australia (PCA). Founded in 1969, PCA advocates for the property industry with the aim for reforms benefitting the community. Being a member allows us to learn about and contribute to the property industry. See our listing on the PCA Membership Directory.

Visit the PCA website >


If you’d like to receive a copy
of one of our policies, contact us.

  • Fitness for Work Policy
  • Occupational Health & Safety Policy
  • Indigenous Engagement Policy
  • Quality Policy
  • Environmental Policy
  • Sustainability Policy
  • Prevention of Modern Slavery Policy
  • Equal Employment Opportunity Policy


  • Federal Safety Commissioner Scheme (OFSC)
  • ISO 45001 OH&S Management System
  • ISO 14001 Environmental Management System
  • ISO 9001 Quality Management System
  • Teir 7 CM3 Compliance
Group 43-1